


A degree in 刑事司法研究 provides students with the skills and education needed to pursue career opportunities in numerous areas of the criminal justice and legal fields. 执法时, 尤其是在警察部门工作, 通常是最受关注的职业领域, a 刑事司法研究 degree opens the door to several other opportunities. Whether you see yourself in a traditional 狱警 role or in a leadership role or you wish to work with youth, a criminal justice degree lets you choose a career that fits your needs and goals.

青少年感化官, 狱警, and sheriff and deputy sheriff positions are just a few of the career paths you can pursue with a 刑事司法研究 degree. 我们已经深入研究了每一个角色,所以你不需要.

1. 做一名青少年缓刑监督官

如果你发现和年轻人一起工作能激励你,那就把职业生涯作为一个 青少年感化官 也许很适合你. These professionals work with individuals under the age of 18 who face criminal charges or have been convicted. Since juveniles often receive probation instead of spending time in a detention facility, 这些有危险的青少年需要相当多的监督. The 青少年感化官 is often the head of the supervising team.

在缓刑期间,未成年人必须遵守严格的行为规范. The 青少年感化官 monitors the behavior of the offender to ensure they follow the terms of their probation. These law enforcement pros may make unannounced visits to the youth’s home, 学校, 或者检查他们的工作. They will also work with social services to ensure the young person’s living and working environments are conducive to behavioral change. 在很多方面, 青少年感化官s can become mentors to these troubled youths, helping them learn proper behavior through counseling and leadership.


Though this career path is growing at a slower-than-average rate, the 劳工统计局 显示补偿的范围很广. 青少年感化官的职业前景很好. This is an in-demand career field, particularly in areas of the country with high levels of crime.

*It is important to note that information provided by the 劳工统计局 is intended for informational purposes only. 这并不是工作机会的保证. Rather, it can help you assess the overall landscape in your field of interest.

2. 担任惩教人员或狱卒

惩教人员和狱卒 work with inmates incarcerated at correctional facilities around the country. Unlike 青少年感化官s, these professionals work with the adult population. They are responsible for maintaining order within the correctional facility, 监督犯人的日常活动, 他们有时会执行纪律处分. These institutions have an established set of regulations that are designed to protect the inmates, 惩教人员, 还有其他人在里面工作. 的狱卒, 警卫, 监狱里的其他工作人员也遵守这些规定, 执行所有规定, 并确保遵循标准的日常程序.

This career may be a good fit for you if you can work well under pressure and are a level-headed individual. The job can be highly stressful, so you will need to be able to respond to stress in a calm manner. 良好的冲突解决能力也很有帮助, 因为囚犯之间的冲突在这些环境中很常见.

Correctional officers must remain organized because they need to keep records of the activities and actions of the inmates under their watch. They need to be willing to step in if situations turn dangerous or violent, and they must be able to handle daily tasks like conducting head-counts, 分发药物, 进行检查.


只要有犯罪活动就行, 需要有一个地方让罪犯服刑, 只要还有人在监狱里, t在这里 will always be a need for correctional officers and jailers to monitor their behavior and maintain order. 尽管这个领域没有预期的就业增长, job seekers may still find openings because of those who transfer to other occupations, 退休, 否则就离开劳动力市场.

3. 担任警长或副警长

刑事司法学位也提供了成为一名律师的潜力 警长或副警长. These professionals are at the top of the law enforcement departments in their counties, overseeing everything from warrants and citations to funding and procedures. 治安官负责执行法院的命令, 监督没收财产, 应对交通事故和医疗紧急情况.

Though a sheriff may need to help monitor or investigate illegal activities, working directly with criminals and law offenders is not commonly part of the daily work of people in this career. Paperwork, investigation, and working in court are more common roles for a sheriff. A deputy sheriff performs similar roles but under the oversight of the sheriff.

A career as a 警长或副警长 may fit your needs well if you are highly organized and enjoy administrative tasks, 但还是想在执法领域工作. You also should have a passion for protecting your local community and strong leadership skills.


Sheriffs and deputy sheriffs are often leaders in the field of police work. Most new job opportunities will be the result of 退休ment from this industry. 这可以为求职者创造一个竞争激烈的环境. It’s important to pursue education and activities that will increase your employability in this field. T在这里 will always be a need for these professionals to help maintain law and order.


虽然刑事司法学位的工作机会很多, many career opportunities within the field have additional requirements such as academy training, 背景调查, 身体健康标准. 这些授权通常因州或城市而异, so be sure to research the potential requirements in your region as you pursue an associate degree in 刑事司法研究.


如果你想攻读学位,没有比科比更合适的了 & 斯垂顿学院. With instructors who have years of real-world experience in law enforcement, 刑法, 犯罪学, 修正, 公共安全, and the justice system—we cover it all in our criminal justice associate degree program. Get more information about the 刑事司法研究 program at OG真人安卓 在这里!

