How Employer Insight Helps Us Help You

In today’s job market, it’s not enough for recent graduates to simply have a strong academic record. Companies are looking to hire individuals who can grow and evolve to meet the changing needs of their workplace over time.

Skills like critical thinking, problem solving and the ability to communicate effectively are now a crucial part of any job applicant’s resume. The higher education community has taken note – colleges and universities are looking for ways to better prepare students for careers after they graduate. 在OG真人安卓, we’ve launched our EmployableYOU program to do just that.

Woman in front of a team meeting建立联系: An important part of this program is the connections we’ve made with industry experts to understand what employers want. These efforts include the college’s Employability Summit, which brought together top employers to discuss current job market challenges and how recent graduates can overcome them. (Watch a recording of the Summit 在这里.) We’ve taken those learnings and embedded them into our programs in meaningful ways to ensure our students are job-ready:

重要的课程: Every program’s curriculum is aligned to current workplace needs. Input from the employer community drives these decisions so that you can more easily launch your career post graduation.

Creating a real-world experience inside the classroom: Our instructors aim to help draw connections between everything you learn in class and what you will actually be doing and experiencing on the job. EmployableYOU combines course content across the College with real-world activities and workplace competencies to develop skills you need.

A career services center that actually helps: 布赖恩特 & Stratton提供 职业规划服务 为学生, 包括职业咨询, 求职咨询, interview preparation and resume reviews, as well as online professional development tools and webinars. It’s up to you to pursue these opportunities – don’t let them go to waste! The most important take-away from employer input is that having strong technical skills in your field need to be matched with the ability to think, adapt and work well with others. It’s never too early to start building these skills. 事实上, we make a conscious effort to ensure that students are doing so throughout their education, 一路走来的每一步.

